Sarah Griffiths
Paediatric Critical Care Clinical Lead
I am the current clinical lead for the WMPCCN. I am a General Paediatrician and Paediatric Emergency Medicine Consultant at UHCW NHS Trust. I have an interest in paediatric Critical care and a long time ago did a locum post as a consultant in PICU. I originally trained at Birmingham University and did my specialist training in the Midlands and London. I have been a consultant here at UHCW since 2009, and 2 years prior to this a locum consultant at UHNM. I have been clinical lead for HDU here at UHCW. I started as lead for the network before it was a funded network back in 2015 and have seen many changes over the years to see it move from a clinical network based on goodwill to the thriving ODN it is now. It is so good to see how when we work together what can be achieved to give the best care to the children and families of the west midlands.