Maternal Medicine Patient Information Leaflets

Please find some useful resources below specific to various health conditions. Please remember that this is general information. If you are pregnant or considering pregnancy, please speak to your healthcare team about your condition to ensure you receive appropriate support and guidance.

Brain, nerve and muscle conditions including epilepsy

Epilepsy & Pregnancy – Epilepsy Action 

Epilepsy & Pregnancy – Epilepsy Society 

Epilepsy & Pregnancy – Nottingham University Hospitals short film 

Epilepsy & Pregnancy – RCOG 

Epilepsy & Risk – Epilepsy Society 

Epilepsy & Safety – Epilepsy Society 

Epilepsy First Aid – Epilepsy Society 

Headache in Pregnancy – should I be worried? – Tommy’s 

Huntington’s Disease – Starting a Family – Huntington’s Association 

Migraine – Supplements – Migraine Trust 

Migraine in Pregnancy – Migraine Trust 

Multiple Sclerosis & Pregnancy – MS Society

Multiple Sclerosis & Pregnancy – MS Trust 

Muscular Dystrophy – Pregnancy & Family Planning – Muscular Dystrophy UK 

Myasthenia Gravis and Pregnancy – My Aware 

Parkinson’s Disease & Pregnancy – Parkinson’s UK 

Diabetes and hormonal conditions

Addison’s Disease – Patient Story – Addison’s Self Help 

Diabetes & Pregnancy – Diabetes UK 

Diabetes & Pregnancy – NHS 

Gestational Diabetes – Implications for the Future – Tommy’s 

Managing Diabetes during Pregnancy – Diabetes UK 

Pituitary Adenomas & Pregnancy – European Society Endocrinology 2021 

Thyroid Disorders & Fertility – British Thyroid Foundation 

Thyroid Disorders & Pregnancy – British Thyroid Foundation

Gastrointestinal and liver conditions

Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy – Liver Trust 

Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy – Tommy’s 

Colitis – Pregnancy & Breastfeeding – Crohns & Colitis UK 2023 

Colitis – Reproductive Health & Fertility – Crohns & Colitis UK 2023 

Gall Stones – JAMA 2021 

Gluten Free – Coeliac UK 

Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy – Liver Trust 

Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy – RCOG 

Nausea & Vomiting and Hyperemesis – RCOG 

Pregnancy after Bariatric Surgery – Tommy’s 

Pregnancy after Bariatric Surgery – Tommy’s 

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis & Pregnancy – PSC Support 

Vaccinations in pregnancy

Please find some useful patient information leaflets below about immunisations in pregnancy: 

MMR vaccine for those thinking of getting pregnant – 

Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby – 

Whooping cough and pregnancy – 

For more information, please visit the following websites: 

Vaccinations in Pregnancy | NHS 

Pregnancy and Vaccinations | Centres for Disease Control and Prevention 

Vaccinations in Pregnancy | Tommy’s