About Us

About Us

Fetal medicine services provide prenatal diagnosis, non-invasive and invasive testing, assessment, and management of fetal anomalies, along with expert clinical counselling and support for parents to help them make decisions about the management of the pregnancy and birth. This may include but is not limited to timing and type of delivery, prenatal therapeutic interventions, termination of pregnancy and depending on the situation, a plan for either active or palliative neonatal care.

Fetal medicine services work in partnership with a diverse range of services to ensure a holistic approach to care, including the referring obstetric team, midwives, termination of pregnancy services, genetic services, general practitioners, paediatric specialists, neonatologists, health visitors, social workers, and bereavement counsellors. They provide services as part of a fetal medicine network to ensure that patients have access to accurate diagnosis, high-level care and support through the most appropriate interventions and fetal therapy procedures. For some patients, delivery in a maternity service with fetal medicine expertise is necessary to provide optimal care for the baby and mother at and following delivery.

Our aims

  • provide safe and effective care pathways for patients and babies with a fetal anomaly or genetic condition or those requiring prenatal intervention
  • provide high-level care and support to local maternity and obstetric services
  • communicate findings and facilitate ongoing care and joint support through services provided by the fetal medicine multi-disciplinary team and through collaborative working with other specialist services
  • to promote and share best practice
  • to provide education for healthcare professionals
  • ensure a consistent and standardised service across the region
  • to ensure optimal outcomes for all women, birthing people, babies, and their families
  • to ensure all patients have prenatal care and delivery that is referred for the appropriate level of care required
  • to ensure equity of high-quality care for women and birthing people within all geographical areas