Going home from the neonatal unit

Getting ready to go home can be a time of mixed emotions, you may feel happy, excited, worried or anxious. The neonatal team will support you and your family in transitioning from the neonatal unit to home.

This is a short, animated guide to help you understand some of the things that might take place when preparing to take your baby home. This animation was created by the NICU Foundation and the South West Neonatal Network.

Transitional care & rooming in

Before you go home, you may be offered to stay with your baby overnight. This gives you time to spend with your baby, providing all their care and helps build your confidence before you leave the hospital.

The staff will be there to answer questions and offer any help you need.

Neonatal community outreach team

The Neonatal Community Outreach Team (NCOT) is a team of neonatal nurses and health care professionals who support babies and families once they leave the neonatal unit. They will work closely with you, the neonatal team and other community services to prepare you for discharge home. NCOT will care for babies with ongoing needs including:

  • Nasogastric (NG) tube feeds
  • Home Oxygen
  • Phototherapy 

The NCOT team will support you to feel confident caring for your baby at home. The number of visits will depend on your baby’s needs. They will be more than happy to answer any questions you have.